Saturday, April 20, 2013

Installing IIS

How to install IIS in Windows 7?

Since my operating system (OS) is Windows 7, I will write about how to install IIS in Windows 7. IIS is an abbreviate for Internet Information Services. IIS is test server for Active Server Pages (ASP). Anyone who wish to learn about ASP, you can install IIS for you to test the website that you had developed.

I had install IIS in my laptop using the guide that had been given. Although the guide is for Windows XP Pro, it still can be used because the steps involved is still the same. The differences may in the arrangement of the icons or the icons itself. Just get familiar with the icon.

Step by step IIS installation:

Before proceed to the IIS installation, go to C drive and check whether there is any folder name inetpub. If the folder is exist it mean your machine already install with IIS. If the folder is not exist DO NOT create it manually. (this is what my lecturer highlighted in class).. hehe.. Now check for IIS in administrative tools. Go to Control Panel > System and Security > Administrative Tools > Check for Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager. If you cant see the IIS, you need to install it.

1. Go to Start, click Control Panel.
2. Click Programs. In Programs menu, choose Turn Windows features on and off under Programs and      features.

3. Locate the IIS and tick it. Then, click OK.

4. Wait until finish.

Friday, April 19, 2013


Hello and Hai,

After having our semester break which ended on 14th of April, our class has started as usual. This week, for authoring class we had been introduced to new topic, new knowledge and new media that can be used in teaching and learning. For past about 8 weeks, we had learn about Flash. Start this week which is week 10, we will learn about ASP and PHP which used in website development.

In class, we had been given handout which need to be done in class. Senang cerita adalah Class Activity. The handout is about the difference between ASP and PHP. So, let see what is the difference between ASP and PHP according to the article. :)

1. ASP: Active Server Pages
2. PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor.
- Both of this language are programming language. These languages are used to create websites.
- More dynamic which mean it allow users to interact and exchange information using the website's database.

1. ASP
- Works with Microsoft alongside IIS or Internet Information Server.
- Need a Microsoft Server for the website to work.
- Just recently, ASP can run on LINUX with condition an ASP-Apache program is installed on its server.

2. PHP
- Runs using LINUX or UNIX server.
- Now, more updated PHP programs can run on an NT server.
- Also can run in Windows, Solaris, UNIX and LINUX.

Based Language
1. ASP
- Much similar to the syntax and interface of Visual Basic (VB) Programming because basically VB is correlated with Microsoft products.

2. PHP
- Uses C/C++ as base language.

Costing and Expenses
- Need to run on Windows with IIS installed so user will be need to purchase both of these components.

2. PHP
- Run in LINUX server which cost user for free.

- Use MS-SQL as database which the product of Microsoft and user need to buy it.

2. PHP
- More flexible in terms of database connectivity.
- Can connect to several database and common database is MYSQL.
- MYSQL is free.

Loading Speed
- Slower than PHP as ASP uses an overhead server and is uses a COM based architecture.

2. PHP
- Code runs more quicker because it runs in its very own memory space.

1. ASP
- Might need to buy additional tools to work with its program.

2. PHP
- Tools associated with the program are mostly open source software and user will no need to pay for the additional tools.

Both ASP and PHP have its own advantage and disadvantage. Choosing a programming language is depend on the programmer. Some of the programmer maybe comfortable to use PHP because he or she is good in C++ or C language whereas programmer who is expert in Visual Basic will be comfortable to work with ASP. Apart from that, it will depend on the budget of the website development. If you have a limit budget you will try to seek something that can be get for FREEEEE.. Besides that, maybe you are concerns on website stability and speed. So, choosing a programming language will be depend on web programmer and needed.

*Windows NT
- Family of operating system (OS) produced by Microsoft, first version was released in July 1993.
- Powerful high-level-language-based, processor independent, multiprocessing, multiuser OS.
- Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Home Server, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 are the members of the Windows NT family, even they are not branded using the names "Windows NT".


Monday, April 8, 2013

More About Drop and Drag

Hello and Hai,

After finish up with four activities, I think I am fall in love with Flash. It is not so hard to learn about Flash. Just keep on practicing and you can do great in Flash. Watch video on tutorial about Flash. Learn step by step. Do not stress yourself. If you are unable or unsuccessful in certain step, just take a deep breath, rest your mind and watch the tutorial again. That is what I am practicing when I am facing difficulties during my Flash lesson. Just enjoy and have fun.

Last week, I have learn some basic of drop and drag. This week, we are being introduced to more advanced drop and drag. But, no apps for this activity. We got handout that guide us on how to do the advanced drop and drag.

Picture above show flash interface of my advanced drop and drag. As u seen, there are five elements on the stage. Pink circle, blue square, 2 green rectangles and next button. When user drag the circle to one of the green rectangle and drop the circle, if the rectangle is the correct place for the circle correct symbol will appear. If the rectangle is not the correct place for the circle it will going back to its original place. It is same for the square. 

Now, let learn step by step on how to develop this interesting application. 

Circle and square on the left side are movie clip symbols whereas rectangles on the right side are movie symbol. Next button is used to navigate into another flash video. 

1. Create a movie clip symbol. Insert > New Symbol and Select Movie Clip. Name the symbol as place. 

2. Draw the rectangle in the first frame of the movie clip. Choose rectangle tool and draw the rectangle. Fill it with your desired colour.

3. Then add stop actionscript on the frame.

4. Add a keyframe in frame 2 by press F6 or right click and choose insert keyframe. Add stop actionscript on the frame. Picture below show the postion of frame 2.

5. Add also a red line as in the picture below in frame 2 in movie clip timeline. 

6. Go back to Scene 1. 

7. Rename the layer 1 as response. This layer hold 2 rectangles which become the place to drop the circle or square.  Open library and drag place movie clip into the stage. Rename the instance as box1. Instance can be found on properties panel. 

8. Drag place movie clip into the stage for the second time. Rename the instance as box2. 

9. Draw circle and square. Convert both of the shapes into symbol which is movie clip symbol. Go to Modify > Convert into symbol> Rename the symbol and choose movie clip for symbol type. 

10. Add new layer and insert stop actionscript. 

11. Right click the circle symbol. Choose Action and insert following actionscript. 

if ((this._x>341.0) & (this._x<=436.4) & (this._y>=229.3) & (this._y<=236.8)){
this._x= 99.5;
this._y= 87.3;

12. Do the same to the rectangle symbol. 

if ((this._x>341.0) & (this._x<=422.4) & (this._y>=87.3) & (this._y<=92.3)){
this._x= 99.5;
this._y= 229.3;

Where can you get all the numbers of x and y?

- Move the circle to the highest top left location you will allow user to drop it. See the x and y coordinates for the circle highest left position. Picture below shows how to position the circle at the highest top left and red box show where you can find the value of x and y. 

- Then move the circle to the lowest right hand location you will allow the user to drop it and still receive the correct response. Picture below shows the position of the circle at the lowest right hand location.  

if ((this._x>341.0) & (this._x<=436.4) & (this._y>=229.3) & (this._y<=236.8))

First x = Lowest x coordinate.
Second x = Highest x coordinate

First y = Lowest y coordinate
Second y = Highest y coordinate.

12. For the next button, insert the following actionscript. 

on (relase) 
  loadMovieNum ("video.swf", 0);

Very fun activity in class. Double fun when I manage to finish this tutorial with succeed. Now, it time to think about our first assignment. See you again. 


Thursday, April 4, 2013

Activity 4

Hello and Hai,

After having some fun with Activity 3, this week i spending my time with beloved Activity 4. Activity 4 come along with Apps 4. As usual, we are doing our lesson through the apps that had been provide to us. There are four apps at all so that mean this week we got our last apps. This lesson was so fun and i am very enjoyed. Before proceed with the handout on Activity 4, first I have to watch videos that related to the task in Activity 4. After watching the video, I try to do the task and it take me hours to complete. But, it is ok. As long as i can complete the task and understand the whole process of developing interactive application.

In Activity 4, i have learn about how to create main menu, steps in creating multiple choice question and text entry question. Apart from that, i learn about basic of drag and drop. Actually, it is not a very complicated process if i fully understand the tutorial.

Main menu button is important for interactive website to navigate from one page to another. As an example, in this task i had develop simple main menu about teddy store. Teddy store is an online shop that selling teddy bear. Before proceed to the product page, user will be directed to main menu or homepage. If she or he wish to see the product user need to choose product button and the button will navigate the user to product page.

Please click this link to see my simple main menu on teddy store:

Picture above show Scene 1 of Teddy Store. It has 3 layers which are button_layer, teddy_store and background layer. 

Picture above show the flash interface for development of main menu of Teddy Store. It is in Scene 2.  As seen there are 5 layers. From top: stop layer, product layer, button_layer, teddy_store and background layer. Now, its time to explain steps involve in this development. 

1. Open flash and choose actionscript 2.0.

2. Rename layer 1 to background. Import picture that will be used as a background into library.         
    File > Import > Import to Library

3. Lock the layer so that changes cannot be made in background layer. 

4. Add another layer by pressing insert layer button which located under layer column. 

5. Rename the layer as teddy_store. This layer will keep the store's name. Type Teddy Store using text tool. 

6. Then add another layer and rename the layer to button_layer. This layer consist of button that will be used   to navigate visitor to other page. Use Rectangle Primitive Tool and create rectangle button. Convert the rectangle to graphic. Modify > Convert to Symbol > Rename the symbol as button_1 and choose button for graphic type. 

7. Double click on the button. It will direct you to another window. Insert new layer and rename the layer to label_home. Use text tool and type Home in the button.  Picture below show the window of button_1. 

8. Duplicate the button. Rename it as button_2 and button_3. Repeat step 7 and set the second button as About and the third button as Product. 

9. Duplicate Scene 1. Go to Window > Other Panels and choose Scene. A small window will appear and click duplicate scene button. The button located at the bottom left of the window. Picture below show the pop-up window after you had choose Scene. Rename the duplicate layer as Scene 2.

10. Go to Scene 2. At button_layer layer, type Welcome, comfort yourself and enjoy selecting our product using text tool. So, you will have different interface from Scene 1. 

11. Go to Scene 1 and use text tool to type Welcome to Teddy Store. Test movie by pressing CTRL+ENTER. You will see the text from scene 1 and scene 2 keep on blinking. It happen because there is no stop command so it do not know where to stop. 

12. Insert the command below to the button_layer first frame. Right click on the frame and choose action. 
     stop( );

13. Now, go to Scene 1.First of all, insert Frame into every layer. Right click on frame 15 and insert frame. Do the the same to every layer in Scene 2. 

14. In Scene 2, insert new layer which is product_layer and stop layer.  On properties, name the frame as product_page.

15. Go to Scene 1. Here, we want to insert a actionscript to Product button so that it able to navigate visitor to other page. Right click on product button and choose action. Type the actionscript as shown below.

gotoAndPlay ("Scene 2", 1);

Scene 2 is the product page. 1 is the first frame. 

16. Go to Scene 2 and insert actionscript to Home button. 

gotoAndStop ("Scene 1", 1);

17. Test the movie. CTRL+ENTER.

Now, I want to share how to move from one scene to certain frame on the scene itself. Go to Scene 2. 

18. As seen in picture there is a Latest Product button. Create the button by using Rectangle Primitive tool. Convert the rectangle to symbol. 

19. Click on frame 10 of button_layer and insert keyframe. On properties, name the frame as latest.

20. Insert the information under the Latest Product button. Use text tool and type "Let see our latest Product". On properties name the instance of the button as latest_button. 

21. Insert actionscript to Latest Product Button. 

gotoAndStop("Scene 2", "latest");

Now, I have 1 last button. I want to use this button to navigate visitor to teddy store website.
22. Go to Scene 1 and right click on About button then choose Action. Insert actionscript. Do the same to the About button in Scene 2.

getURL ("");

Then, test your movie. 

Multiple Choice Question.

Please click this link for example:

As seen in the picture, there are 6 layers at all. From top were action layer, respon layer, button layer, question layer, text and graphics layer and background layer. 

1. Prepare your desired background. 

2. Add new layer and name it as text and graphics layer. Use text layer to type the title of the question that is TEXT AND GRAPHICS. 

3. Add new layer and name it as question. This layer will hold the question. Use text tool and type the question. 

4. Next, insert new layer and rename it as button. Here I will create button for the answer. Use oval tool to create a circle. Duplicate it until you get four circle which represent 4 options. 

5. Use text tool and type in A to first circle. Type B, C and D to the other three circles. 

6. Now, modify the circle into symbol. Modify> Convert to symbol > Rename the symbol as Button_A and choose button for type. Do the same for the other three circle. Rename the symbol as Button_B, Button_C and Button_D.

7. Now use text tool to type the answer. 

8. Add new layer and name it as respon. Choose text tool and on properties choose Dynamic text. In Var insert respon. 

9. Add new layer and name it as action. Here insert the Actionscript command. 

var respon;
respon = ""

10. Now insert actionscript to Button_A, Button_B, Button_C and Button_D. The correct answer is A so insert the command as shown below. 

respon = "Yeah, your answer is correct!";

Button _B:
respon = "Your answer is wrong, try again.";

respon= "Your answer is wrong.";

respon = "Please try again";

Lastly, test the movie. 

Text Entry Question

This link will take you to my simple text entry question: :

As seen in picture, there are 4 layer at all which are background, stop, button and question layer. 


1. Prepared your desired background in background layer. Lock it so that change cannot be made on this layer. 

2. Insert new layer and name it as question. Use text tool to and type your question. Make sure you have choose the static tool. 

3. Now, use rectangle tool and create a rectangle on the stage. 

4. Choose text tool and choose input text . Re-position the text in the rectangle that you have create before. This space is for user to type in their answer. 

5. Select tool text again and choose dynamic text. Repostion it under the rectangle. This text will return the result for the answer that had been type in. 

6. Insert new layer and name it as button. Here, I have create my own play button. Do not forget to convert the play image into symbol. This play button will return a result after user click on it. 

7. In the play button, insert Actionscript command.

on (release) { if (answer == "print client") {respon = "Correct!";
} else {
respon = "Incorrect. Your answer "+ answer +" is incorrect.";

on (release, keyPress "<Enter>") {

if (answer == "print client") {respon = "Correct!";
} else {
respon = "Incorrect. Your answer "+ answer +" is incorrect.";

8. For input text variable name it as answer whereas for dynamic text variable name is respon. 
9. Test your movie. 

Drop and Drag

Click this link for my simple drop and drag:

This is my flash interface for drag and drop application development. In this development, I had use apple tree image that imported to library. Apart from that, I draw the apple and convert it into movie clip symbol. 

This is the apple tree image that I used in this development. Convert this image to symbol. Modify> Convert into symbol> Rename symbol and choose movie clip as symbol type. 

Next, draw the apple and convert into movie clip symbol. Duplicate the symbol up to your desired amount. Here, I have four apples. 

In this application I have two layer which are apple layer and tree layer. Make sure your apple layer is on top of tree layer so that when you drag the apple to the tree, the apple can be placed on top of the tree image. To enable the apple to be drag and drop, insert the following actionscript command. 

startDrag (this, true);

on (release)

Insert this command to every each of the apple. Now, test the movie by pressing key CTRL+ENTER. 

Hope I can remember all the step that involve in developing interactive application. Practice make perfect. 

