In previous post, I had done my elaboration on Activity 2. Today, I will talk about Activity 3. In Activity 3 I learned how to create animation. It was very fun and enjoy. Actually, it is not really hard to create animation using Flash. Just follow the step one by one and pooop... Here come the animation. I am very happy as I get new experience and knowledge in Flash.
I learn how to create animation from Apps that had been installed in my note. In that Apps, I learn about Types of Symbol and Types of Animation. There are three kind of symbols which are graphic, button and movie clip.
Graphic Symbol: A static images that used mainly to create an animation. Drawn vector, bitmap images or any combination of drawn vector and bitmap images can be converted into a single controllable object which called graphic symbol. There are two ways to create graphic symbol. First by drawing the object by yourself or just import the desired image then converted it into graphic symbol. The steps is as following:
Import image from user computer:
File > Import > Import to stage > choose image from your file > open.
Convert into graphic symbol:
Modify > Convert to symbol > Name the symbol > Choose graphic for graphic types
Button: The only interactive symbol that can detect mouse events in flash. The following steps use to create simple button.
- Insert> New Symbol > Rename button > Choose symbol type as button then OK. Flash will create the timeline for the button and consist of four frames. Up, Over, Down and Hit state.
- Draw your button. Example: Rectangle tool > Fill with your favourite colour > Put text on the shape using text tool.
- Copy the button in Up state and copy the button to Over state. Right click the Up frame and choose copy frame. Right click on Over frame and paste frame. Do the same to Down state and Hit state.
- Change button appearance when mouse over the button. Go to over state and change the colour of the button.
- Click on Scene 1 and drag the button from the library to the stage.
- Click control and test the movie.
Movie Clip: Consist of one or more graphic/ button symbols. Flash movie inside the Flash project. Movie clips have their own number of layers or frames in the timeline. Movie clip is not a static image. It must be animated by tweening or using actionscript command.
Now, we move to Types of Animation. In Apps 3 there are four types of animation which are Motion Tweening, Shape Tweening, Motion Guide and Frame by Frame. Handout had been given and there consist of 4 questions which represent four types of animation.
Question 1: Bouncing Ball ( Motion Tween)
Question 2: Shape Tweening (Text to object)
Question 4: Frame by Frame
The steps involve are as following:
- Draw a circle using oval tool. Fill the colour with colour you want. I choose pink.
- Convert the object into graphic symbol: Modify > convert into symbol > rename symbol as circle > select graphic for type > OK
- Change the position: In my motion tween I put the circle on frame 10 and frame 20. Right click and select insert keyframe. In frame 10 change the position of the circle from upward to downward whereas in frame 20 I change the position from downward to upward.
- Create motion tween. Right click between frame 1 and frame 10 then select Create Motion Tween. Do the same between frame 10 to frame 20.
- In frame 10, I had change the brightness of the circle. Select the circle > from colour dropdown menu in properties panel choose the brightness and increase the brightness.
- In frame 20, I change the size of the circle. It is done using transform tool. Then drag the circle to make it small.
- Then test movie. Control > Test Movie
Question 2: Shape Tweening (Text to object)
The steps involve are as following:
- Type Flash using Text tool.
- Break the text apart. Select the text > Modify > Break Apart (Only break the word to individual letter. Need to break apart again) > Modify> Break Apart.
- Choose frame 25, right click and select Insert keyframe. At this new keyframe delete the text and replace it with shape.
- Draw star shape. Polystar tool > Option (in properties panel) select star for style > OK > draw the star
- Click any frame between frame 1 and frame 25 and in properties panel change the tween option from NONE to Shape.
- Press enter to see the text to change into star shape.
Question 3: Moving Ant (Motion Guide)
The steps are as following:
- Draw the ant. I am using oval tool, line tool and selection tool. Turn on the snap to object option.
- Select the drawing using Selection tool and create a movie clip. Modify > Convert to Symbol > Name symbol as ant > Choose movie clip for symbol type > OK.
- Create simple motion tween. Right click on frame 50 and select insert keyframe. Move the ant to new position. Right click any frame between frame 1 and frame 50, select create motion tween.
- Rename layer 1 as Ant.
- Step on creating motion guide. Click the add motion guide beneath the layer. You will see the ant layer is guided by guide: Ant layer.
- Select pencil tool and choose smooth option for drawing. Draw the guide.
- Click the first keyframe on Ant layer and click on the ant. Point the mouse on the center of the ant. This is the beginning of my guide.
- Click on frame 50 and place the Ant at the end of the guide.
- Test the movie. Contorl > Test Movie.
- The house, car, tree and the soil are drawn in different layer. I use line tool, rectangle tool, oval tool, brush tool, paint tool and pencil tool to complete the drawing.
The steps are as following:
- Draw the object. In the question the image given is cat. I had drawing my cat by using oval tool, line tool, selection tool and paint tool.
- After that I export the object as image. File > Export > Export Image > save as gif format.
- The question was asking to animate the cat's mouth. Then I only made changes on cat's mouth. I have done seven image to do this animation. Export all the images and save as gif format.
- To make an animation frame by frame, import all the image. File > Import > Import to Library.
- Select frame 1 in layer 1. This is the starting point of the animation. Drag the first image from the library.
- Here I choose frame 1, 5, 15, 20, 25 and 30 for my animation.
- To insert the next image, choose frame 5. Right click and select insert keyframe. The contain of this frame is the same as in frame 1. So, delete this image and drag the second image from the library. Repeat the previous step until frame 30.
- Test animation sequence. Control > Test Movie.